Quality water in Formentera

Isla de Formentera y abastecimiento de agua

Formentera Island and water supply

The island of Formentera has little water and of irregular quality due to overexploitation of the aquifer.
This is due to the lack of rain and the increase in the residential population, especially in the dry seasons.

The supply is carried out mainly with water channeled from desalination plants to the most important towns, and by extracting water from wells and distributed by tanker trucks.

The quality is so irregular that the majority of the population consumes bottled water in plastic containers. An expensive solution, with a strong environmental impact and not always ideal for health according to the latest information on the ingestion of microplastics.

Atmospheric water generation: an alternative

An atmospheric water generator is capable of manufacturing drinking water from air and an energy source (grid or photovoltaic).

Condensation technology allows moisture from the air to be liquefied and converted into drinking water that is safe for consumption.
Atmospheric generators do not require installation, only a power outlet.

The range of equipment goes from 50 to 4.500 liters per day with energy consumption per liter of 0.39 to 0.19 KW/liter depending on the model.

Atmospheric water generators in Formentera island

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